Prussian-born “philosopher” and writer Karl Marx wasn’t the first person to call himself a socialist, but his name has become nearly synonymous with the far-left at large as more progressives begin to embrace the label.
Recently, demonstrations that began as a call for police reform have morphed into violent riots by people advocating for the end of capitalism. Lost in all this was the supposed goal to end systemic racism in law enforcement and American society. Now, we have footage of Black Lives Matter leaders admitting that they are “trained Marxists,” and that this is about much more than adopting more modern views about race.
Here’s the irony about all of this: Karl Marx would probably have taken no issue at all with the footage of Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin pressing his knee into the back of George Floyd’s neck. This is because Marx himself was an open racist, and wrote about his views on racial inequality extensively.
Honestly, we’re not sure how much of this we should publish, because the language Marx used to describe people of African descent is pretty appalling. He also really had it out for Jewish people, which is strange considering his own heritage.
“What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering,” Marx wrote in 1844. “What is his worldly God? Money…Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man—and turns them into commodities…The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew.”
Here’s another one. This time, he drops the “n-bomb” to describe a Jewish person with Sub-Saharan heritage.
“The Jewish n****r Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation,” Marx said in a 1862 letter to partner Freidrich Engels. “The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend,’ even though his interest and capital were guaranteed…It is now quite plain to me—as the shape of his head and the way his hair grows also testify—that he is descended from the negroes who accompanied Moses’ flight from Egypt (unless his mother or paternal grandmother interbred with a n****r).
You really can’t make this up.
So, why does the political movement that supposedly supports racial harmony and equality worship this disgusting human being? The Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan has a theory in the video below.
That is true. Article also leaves out that one of the Antifa/BLM idols, Joe Stalin, sent more Jews to concentration (Gulag) camps than Hitler did.
Now the suck up dems with a bo, hilary treasonous organizing gang thug antifa, blm , islamic criminals to internally destroy U.S. Constitutional Freedom, Rights & Liberty to create a far left dictator regime that will be dem’s demise ! The threat of a NWO enslavement by these commie instigating terrorists is real 7 has to be stopped ! This is a war !
Nouthing but a bunch of phony’s
Hypocrite s. Plain and simple
Just a bunch of uneducated niggers screaming about nothing important….
You can’t reason with unreason-ability. If you try, you’ll lose your mind… just as the Liberals have. They have ‘driven’ an already ‘excitable’ race, into frenzy, and turned it on any and all who don’t agree with them. The BLM mentality is such that it can be hyper-persuaded… but what happens when the liberals can’t control them? It’s like the movies, Planet of the Apes. They took over. And not in a nice way. ( not calling anyone an ape, ‘watch the mentality’… but whomever produced that series, was on to something.
God help us
BRAVO!!!!!! Andrew Klavan. Rule of Law and The Constitution of the United States. Trying to educate people about this communism is daunting. I am from strong lineage. I will NOT be put down. I will NOT be controlled. We need President Trump for 4 more.
Looking for someone else to blame for being lazy!
The socialistic; “free stuff” stench of duped dem supporting idiots are the lazy that will be 1st enslaved by a dictator !
Communist sucks! We need TRUMP!!!! Democrats SUCKS!!!
Democrats are liberals in name only they are actually National Socialist.
The Fight for FREEDOM & RIGHTS is never ending & the dem leaders have created another war of wannabe dictator support to create a NWO of terrorist enslavement that has to be killed, eliminated & all terrorist instigators dead !
You can visit him in prison.
The 1st step in destroying a Representative democracy is to destroy their education system. Which the liberals have done.
Historically only countries with a literacy rate less than 50% devolve to some form of Oppressive Police State.
WW2 nazi hitler’s youth is a prime example of dictating youth indoctrination support to the dictator ! Also the nazi propaganda & media press of liars to dupe people is the same as dem’s, bought off U.S. news by soros & commies ! Truth stopped with no history when the bo treasonous 8 years destroyed schools with bo’s “common core” stench ! Past 12 years of bo, hilary treason to create their dictator regime is reality and all dem leaders have to be stopped !
I think everyone is missing the importance of what is happening in America over the past couple of decades. God has blessed us all with a Brain and a Heart, the brain has the providence of reason and the heart the seat of feelings. We were to use these in conjunction with each other but alas we have fallen short of God’s plan and use them independently of each other. The right extreme is using Reason without feeling, and the extreme left is using Feeling without Reason. Outside of our own conscience they are like Oil and Water, they do not mix. The more each side tries to convince the other of their view the more the other side is convinced they are stupid and the polarization continues. The left, Liberals, Democrates, live in a world where feeling dictate reason and they use their brain to justify their feelings, and the Right, conservatives, Republicans dictate sound reason with no empathy, or feeling. We love Trump for that very reason, will we can’t understand the logic of anything the left says, it is incoherent nonsense to our ears, but to them it is a battle cry that they is manifest it violent rage and destruction of our liberal controlled cities. This is the problem.
Apparently dem support for a dictator is their own brainless vacuum between their ears that will implode their asinine skulls when their wannabe dictators are executed for high treason to destroy U.S. Freedom & Rights !
Why do they idolize Karl Marx? Because they are racist, too.
All dems are racist & too stupid to see their dem leaders are liars while creating racist crimes to divide the U.S.A !
Donald Trump is a racist wannabe dictator. You can espouse an ideology and reject the person who invented it
Todd is a fool clearly..Trump is not the racist I. It is the democrats and any one with sense can figure that out quite clearly.
Thanks, Harvey my words exactly truth be told!!!
Just as barack Obama spent his childhood with his communist mentor, blem and Antifa is being conned by the communist, Marxists that have them in their control today.
Like nazi hitler’s S.S. useful idiots that were murdered by hitler to be all power dictator with no resentments the antifa blm stench of doomed terrorist become useless idiots & their demise is by a dem wannabe dictator whims & ways !
You can preach the truth 24/7 but if nobody is listening it’s a waste of time. I know, I’ve been telling people that “it’s happening here” for 40 years and all I get are sneers and insults.
Democrats are blinded by the “Free Stuff” mantra endlessly pumped out by their Party Bosses. It’s all they can see. A giant glowing Free Stuff carrot held in front of a hungry horse to get it to move in the direction they want.
It leads only down the dark road that Russia and a dozen other ruined nations took.
It’s right where we are NOW.
“Stupid is as stupid does” & dems are the #1 stupid enemy stench in a NWO dictator for humanity enslavement
The blm idiots dont know or care about “facts”! Theyve just been told they need to be angry and destructive, never mind why, just do it!!!
Capitalism mainly benefits the customer and should be called Customerism. No one is forced to buy from or work for anyone – all transactions are voluntary. The customer freely chooses to enter any transaction and does so for his/her benefit. If the capitalist doesn’t serve the customer he/she will fail. It is truly “Power to the People”. It has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in human history. It has done more to improve the quality of life for everyone on the planet than any other system in human history. Ask yourself – would you rather live in China under Mao or in China today now that it has accepted private property and markets?
Fascism/Socialism/Marxism is “Power to the State”. It has given us Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, the Kim family etc. etc. etc. While the private sector is rewarded for efficiently satisfying customers, the public sector is rewarded by loyalty to superiors and amassing and centralizing power. Every page, every sentence, every word of legislation and regulation is fertilizer that enables public sector bureaucrats to grow the bureaucracy and the power of the state. Public sector bureaucrats are in fact punished for efficiency and problem solving – they lose funding and therefore status and power.
From Chinese economist Zhang Weiying:
“We human beings always seek happiness. Now there are two ways. You make yourself happy by making other people unhappy -I call that the logic of robbery. The other way, you make yourself happy by making other people happy – that’s the logic of the market.” Which way do you prefer?
I have to agree with Tom, also I understand the hold satan has had on people since he deceived the first humans in The Garden. We are so wrapped up in ourselves we are lost. This is in my Gods control.
SO true and the dems have proven to be satan’s disciples in past 12 years of a bo, hilary treasonous law violating wannabe dictator quest to destroy U.S. Freedom & Rights in “One Nation Under GOD” ! Far left is satan’s cronies !
Just another testament to the gross ignorance of the BLM movement. The blacks in this country have it better than any other black people on the face of the earth. This constant whining about their plight in America is getting quite old . If they truly are as discontented that they say they are , then by all means return to “Mother Africa” and see how your brothers in Africa really live . This crap about “White Privilege” is BS too. You should sit down with some of the folks I was raised with in Boone County , WV. , and quiz them on how great they had it as kids in rural America in the last century. Actually rather distressing , and I know first hand how some of these people lived and it was appalling. Blacks aren’t the only people that have had it rough , although I know they have been mistreated , but not by me or the majority of the people today. Racism is alive and well , and it lives in Black Americans.
I agree with you, Steve. Well said. We will not stand for the dismantling of America.
So VERY true!!!!
He was a poet to satan. Please see his poems.
they had their karl marx WE HAVE JOE BIDEN !
However, by the spring of 1845 his continued study of political economy, capital and capitalism had led Marx to the belief that the new political economic theory that he was espousing – scientific socialism – needed to be built on the base of a thoroughly developed materialistic view of the world.
I’m with Steve!!
This has turned into what can I get for free instead of working for it. The socialist think every other way is better than America. Yet there is no successful socialist countries in the world all are bankrupt. Nobody fights to get into a socialist country they all run like hell to a free country.
Don’t listen to silver tongue idiots who praise Castro,Stalin,mao.
talk to somebody who lived there and see what it was like
There idea of a utopian society is great but can’t happen some will always work hard and some will always free load until all the money is gone.
America may have her faults but it is the land of opportunity, not the land of guaranteed.
Socialism has no opportunity because the gov’t controls everything.
You want to, be woke, see how you should cancel marxs for being a full blown racist
Marx was a free loader off his parents spent all THERE money and then complained when it was gone ,so he was a true socialist live off of everybody else and complain when you go broke, and of course blame someone else for your own situation. Choices have consequences. Take personal responsibility for your actions and don’t blame someone else. Marxs was a disgusting person, period.
Educate yourself before you call upon us to back you.
The Lie-beral DEMONocrat worship Marx because they are fascinated with the concept of ‘resist’. Like Satan, they have an authority problem. They have crossed over to the dark side and have went off the deep end.