A measure to outlaw abortions nationally after 15 weeks has been filed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
At a news conference on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act” was introduced.
Graham said, “this was a sensible alternative to the very radical stance taken by Democratic senators. The great majority of Americans do not accept abortion on demand up to delivery, I can tell you of that.”
Graham also brought up the link between the problem and the country’s midterm elections in November.
The senator said, “This law brings us up to par with the rest of the world, so you have an opportunity to speak about what you’re for when you’re on the campaign road.”
For rape, incest, and the preservation of a mother’s life during pregnancy, the new measure provides exceptions. Additionally, the measure forbids prosecuting women who seek abortions.
Instead, the law would subject physicians who perform abortions to a sentence of up to five years in jail.
The measure also specifies how a child born alive after an abortion procedure should be treated. The bill’s language stipulates that if a child lived outside the womb, a certified medical professional must be present during the abortion.
Following the Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn Roe v. Wade and restore control of the matter to the states, several states have introduced legislation pertaining to abortion. Graham’s move is the first significant GOP push to outlaw abortion on government property since the verdict.
Karine Jean-Pierre, the press secretary for the White House, issued a statement on Tuesday in response to Graham’s most recent legislative proposal.
She said that “this law is totally at odds with what Americans think.”
“President Biden and Congressional Democrats are dedicated to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade in the face of further extreme measures by elected Republicans to put personal health care choices in the hands of women and their physicians instead of politics,” she stated.
According to Graham, the subject will be put to a vote if Republicans win back the Senate in November. As of right now, the law would need 60 votes in the 50-50 divided parliament to pass, making its passage doubtful.
It is also highly clear that the Democratic-controlled House would reject the proposal.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, attended the ceremony with Graham, and the group issued a press statement to celebrate the news.
“Democrats’ extreme pro-abortion stance runs counter to the American public’s significant support for compassionate abortion restrictions like those put out today by Sen. Graham and Rep. Smith. 65 percent of women, 70 percent of Independents, and 60 percent of Democrats at the grassroots level favor legislation that would protect unborn children until at least 15 weeks. With the passage of this law, the United States would join the other 47 out of 50 of our European partners in protecting life at this point or even earlier,” said Dannenfelser.
“It’s time to update our legal system. We congratulate Sen. Graham and Rep. Smith for their persistent advocacy on behalf of women and the unborn, and we urge all Democrats and Republicans who support life to back this sensible legislation,” she said.
This is the wrong time to bring this up right before midterm elections, wait till after. But Graham is a swamp loving, back stabbing Rino.
This is not a ‘Federal’ issue. Only in non-Republic countries do the ‘leaders or dictators’ establish these types of rules. This is an issue to be addressed by the individual states as defined by the United States Constitution. The ‘Federal’ bureaucracy now exceeds the powers that is allowed by the Constitution, and should be greatly reduced.
Well either he is trying to get back in the good graces with his party(?) OR he is bringing it up to scare those who use this means of birth control to vote democratic. Wrong time to bring it up but then again we do not know why he did.