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Senate Committee Verifies Evidence Against the Bidens

The Democrats and the mockingbird media have done everything in their power to distract voters from the damning evidence of criminal activity in Hunter Biden’s laptop. The evidence and images on the computer included images of Hunter using illegal drugs, and even connections to sex trafficking.

The laptop was left in a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. The owner of the shop tried to reach Biden to no avail. When the Biden campaign team heard of this story they contacted the repair shop and asked for it back. But the owner of the shop has already turned it over to federal authorities.

The story was broken by the New York Post, a newspaper that’s been around for hundreds of years and was founded in part by Alexander Hamilton. But the story has been demoted on social media platforms and was even banned from Twitter.

Now, the Senate has confirmed that the apparent connections suggested by the files and use-data found on the laptop are true. Hunter Biden’s former business associate Tony Bobulinski has offered up evidence that the former vice president’s son has connections to businesses in China involving pay to play deals not unlike what was found in Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Bobulinski gave an earth-shattering interview on the matter with Fox’s Tucker Carlson last week. That interview and a follow-up segment by Carlson delivered proof that Joe Biden knew of his son’s untoward business practices overseas and that he likely benefited from these deals financially.

This comes months after a series of viral videos came out in which Joe Biden says openly in a major TV interview that he threatened not to pay millions in bribe money to parties in Ukraine unless a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fired. In that same interview, Joe Biden says the prosecutor was fired.

This story has been building to a crescendo for months and the laptop evidence should be received like the bombshell that it is. Nevertheless, the mainstream media has had nothing to say about it — with one exception — they say it’s Russian-generated fake news. That’s right — they are using the totally discredited Russian collusion narrative again to try to refute the clear and damning evidence of Biden family corruption.

After Twitter’s silencing of the New York Post turned to public outrage, Twitter owner/operator Jack Dorsey lied under oath as he struggled to explain why other world leaders are allowed to post horrific images, threats of violence, and more while the New York Post is prevented from posting verifiable facts that hurt the Democratic Party.

Dorsey had told the Senate that the story is no longer blocked and that it could now be posted to Twitter.

Senator Ted Cruz took exception to this claim. He tweeted in response saying, “What @jack told the Senate, under oath, is false. I just tried to tweet the @nypost story alleging Biden’s CCP corruption. Still blocked. 18 USC 1621 makes it a felony to lie under oath to the Senate.”

Others have done the same experiment and found they could not post links to the New York Post story.

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