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The American Medical Association Wants to Stop “Assigning” Sex at Birth

For millennia, midwives, doctors, nurses, and others who have delivered babies have “assigned” sex at birth; that is, they took a look at a child’s private parts and told parents if the new little one was a boy or girl.

The statement in itself is an oxymoron, as there is no such thing as a medical (that is, biological) spectrum of gender identity. Identity is how one feels about him or herself. Medical facts remain in place even if a person prefers not to believe they exist. Even so, the AMA doesn’t appear willing to allow science to get in the way of appearing woke.

Remember kids, this is totally legitimate science stuff.

“Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available on the public portion, perpetuates a view that sex designation is permanent and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity,” AMA Board Chair-Elect Sandra Adamson Fryhofer said in a statement. “This type of categorization system also risks stifling an individual’s self-expression and self-identification and contributes to marginalization and minoritization.”

As one doctor who opposed the resolution pointed out, doctors are responsible to report things accurately. Babies have physical characteristics that define them as either male or female. The AMA may think that it’s no-one’s business to know a person’s biological gender, but the truth is that medical professionals who are unaware of this information cannot provide adequate care.

This cold hard truth was made apparent a couple of years ago when medical professionals treated a transgender man without knowing the “man” was biologically female. The patient had a miscarriage because the doctors didn’t think to check for a pregnancy — after all, why would they?

The fact that a large and trusted medical organization is endorsing this nonsense is alarming. It encourages young people to engage in behavior that can cause untold mental and physical harm later in life. Nearly 63 percent of transgenders have untreated mental health issues, while the suicide rate for those who obtain gender-changing surgery is 20 times higher than it is for “cisgender” individuals — the vast majority of people who identify as the gender they were born with.

Sadly, the AMA’s recent decision to call for the end of marking “male” or “female” on birth certificates isn’t surprising to those who are familiar with the organization’s history. It has long been a bastion for promoting left-wing ideologies at the expense of regular individuals and even medical professionals. It endorsed elective abortions as a “contraceptive” measure in the 1960s, effectively encouraging the murder of tens of millions. It supports Critical Race Theory, thus endorsing the concept that the United States is inherently and systemically racist. Earlier this year, it announced support for gender-bending surgeries on minors, even though the overwhelming majority of children who experience gender dysphoria overcome it on their own once they grow up.

This development should serve as a warning. The transgender community will stop at nothing to achieve its goal of forcing everyone to embrace a nonsensical, unscientific viewpoint in the name of “equality.”

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19 thoughts on “The American Medical Association Wants to Stop “Assigning” Sex at Birth”

  1. So, the AMA is promoting this insidious idea to not document a child as either male or female, ( because half of one percent who live this way say so ) so the rest of us 99.5% of NORMAL, heterosexual people are expected to believe this is even fallible?!

    The idiots perpetuating this moral horseshit are fucking nuts… they’d just assume that a kid is refered to as “ they “ instead of ”him” or “her” until this poor pathetic child of theirs decides whether it wants to be a boy or a girl. Again… fucking insane.

    I’m told..?!!, there are now 56,58 different genders now !! Excuse me, I might be a bit out of my realm on this, as one is born into this world with either a male or a female set of genitalia.

    Soooooo, a penis.. a boy. A vagina.. a girl. Can I say that?, boy or girl. Is that still something we can say? ( I hope )

    I look at all of these other animals on this planet, and I don’t see ANY species ( other than us ) who have males that want to be females and vice-versa.

    The AMA wants this to not exist any longer. As God fearing, moral, well raised individuals, I’m sure I’m not alone thinking that we collectively are now fucked!!!
    Me, I’ve had enough of queerism and all that goes with it. Personally, I don’t care what these multitudes of twisted people want to do with themselves as long as me or any of my family doesn’t have to be subjected to this shit in any way…..but now they’re in way too many tv commercials and the like. Our country has just taken a big shit, and again…99.5 % of people would rather NOT have to deal with it. Disgusting

    56 genders…… just not seeing it

    1. Yeah, it really pisses me off. I’ll be enjoying my dinner and then I’ve got some insipid shit licking poofter, IN MY HOME, talking at me with it’s gut churning, fake, poofter accent. They should have to put up a warning before they put a shit licker on TV so I can change the channel until it is finished. I wouldn’t have a poof in my home for all the rice in China, but they put these disgusting degenerates in my home with no warning or permission.

    2. it’s all about people wanting 5 seconds of fame! they sell their souls to the devil so their name can be mentioned somewhere for some reason once they experience it the more retarded and outlandish they become to try to experience it again! It’s like someone has flipped a switch and all of America has turned into 3 year old mentalities, retarded ones at that!

    3. Wokism has taken over Common Sense in the AMA.

      Looks like the AMA could just leave the sex “field” open and up to the parents who would choose Male, if child was a male, Female, if child was a female and the catch-all, “IT” if the parents are confused and “can’t read the plumbing code”.

    4. Totally agree!!! They are completely out to lunch!! DNA and chromosomes X and Y tell the truth no matter what fruitcake Koolaid they are drinking!!!!!!!!! The AMA just destroyed their reputation!!!!!

    5. So true and very well stated: this is society of human origin that want to be like the worm. The worm chooses to be male or female as they wallow in the filth of compost pile. Humanity declaring GOD OF HEAVEN: you made a mistake: in the garden when GOD OF HEAVEN created Adam and out of him created woman: Paul the apostle addresses this matter in the letter to the Romans: chapter 1 vs 18-32 : he didn’t have ama to subvert the truth: that man was born a male and woman was born a female: not a worm.

  2. What can I add except to say “Really’s” comment says it all!!! This country it’s morals ,and COMMON sense are now gone!!!!

  3. Hell… I want to SUE the AMA, NOW, TODAY This means that I could have had a much better, Wealthier, life than the life I am living today. ~ Imagine the benefits that we all could have if we can choose who we want to be.

    I need money and I am going to sue until I am filthy rich… Now I am going to be whatever I want to be and control the world around me. I will change everything to my benefit just by saying. ~ Lookout World ~ I will be more powerful than any GOD in existence now or in the future. The confusion that I alone will cause is unmeasurable and I will do it all based on the fact that in 1959 I was assigned to be a “Male Gender” ~ I Changed my mind, I want to be something different today, Maybe – Yes, I want to be BLACK & Asain like the VEEP. She is as useless as a broken doorstop. ~ Black/ Asain/ & illegal crossing the border- because we all deserve the Best that life can be.

  4. BAAAAWAAHAHAHAHAHA , And they keep telling you to trust the “SCIENCE” ? I don’t need a science book or a stupid doctor to tell me what I am ie. male or female ! If the facts are sitting right there in front of them & they ain’t got the BALLS to make the call , then they should go into another business like shinning shoes ……. Pretty soon there ain’t gonna be any doctors you can fully trust especially in a life & death situation …… sorry but that’s where it seems to be heading !!!!

  5. Even George Orwell in his blockbuster book – ‘1984’ never imagined this ludicrous attitude. The world he described is one in which Right is Wrong and Wrong is right . I agree with what others have written – I just think that the foul language is unnecessary – esp. if you claim to be religious.
    The ‘Woke” people (things-in their eyes) have lost all sense of balance and normality and are trying to convert – rather: FORCE others to adopt their idiocies.
    Micha’el S Bloch

  6. We have too many experts running our country. The medical experts should be smarter and better than this crap!

    1. The AMA follows the ‘Hypocritical Oath’ now!

      ‘Do no harm unless the $ucker wants to pay for it!’

  7. I like to think of myself as objective, rational, fair-minded, open-minded–guess I am flattering myself though! ?

    But where did the science go, with the AMA allowing for such a drastic change? Will it be an irreversible change? They want to do away with the science of biological sex? So BIZARRE, so TROUBLING–truly FRIGHTENING–this from authorities who spent years studying the biological sciences!?

    Then again, to be fair-minded, how did society come to this?

    Maybe the abuse of women by males both in and out of the church played a role? Men have lived by the LIE & double standard of the more females they have bedded, is a boasting point, and that it (sexual conquest) established virility and manhood, while females that slept around were called SLUTS which no “nice man” would want to marry. Talk about Brainwashing!

    A scripture in the Bible says in part: in Christ there is neither male nor female, Jew or Greek–this strikes me as stressing all people as worthy of respect/equality, but I don’t believe it is meant to do away with biological sex.

    God is portrayed in the Bible with both mothering and fathering characteristics. Men who embrace negative traditional “male” behaviors (e.g. egotistical, sexual conquest, denial of emotions, etc.) come across as ungodly, insecure, and childlike. I call men who don’t want to cry as weak–so I call them ‘the weak silent type’ rather than strong silent type. Males who abandon their children are the most despicable and abhorrent of all, and not men, as far as I’m concerned. What man that was abandoned by his father as a child would want to grow up to be like his dad?

    So……maybe these negative cultural norms/sins of the past led at least in part to the craziness we are dealing with now?

  8. I agree with “REALLY?” Perhaps it’s the demonrats running the show! They seem to be tearing everything good down.

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