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This Program Trains Teachers to Be Radical Social Justice Activists

Deep Equity is a teacher training program that is supposed to help instructors create an equitable learning environment for children of all ages and walks of life. However, the program’s radical agenda is turning out far-left social justice warriors.

The program, which is currently partnering with nearly two dozen school districts in the United States, is moving teachers to the far-left in a blatant attempt to indoctrinate young minds.

Deep Equity is teaching teachers that America is based on a “hierarchy of various oppressions.” Men, English-speakers, white people, heterosexuals and Christians are, naturally, blamed for doing most of the oppressing while women, Spanish-speakers, minority ethnicities, gays, transgender individuals and Muslims are the victims. Teachers are told that racism should be blamed when students aren’t doing well in school. They are also told they should “explicitly reject and resist any parents” who disagree with the Deep Equity platform.

Sadly, this material isn’t just being promoted in progressive school districts. Even conservative counties in states such as Virginia, Iowa, and Arizona are using this material as part of their school training programs. The instructional course, just like anything else public schools invest in, is being purchased with taxpayer dollars. What’s even sadder than this is the fact that many teachers actually believe the program, and are showing an interest in implementing what it teaches.

As one instructor from Minnesota stated after attending Deep Equity teacher training, she “now realizes” that Deep Equity’s principles are meant to be “infused in every lesson” rather than taught as a course apart from regular scholastic subjects.

It’s hard to overstate the damage that such a course will do. The Program for International Student Assessment recently noted that the average score for reading, math, and science in the United States puts the nation in thirty-first place worldwide, behind other countries such as Singapore, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, Portugal, and even Russia. It’s hard to see how teaching students that they can blame their bad grades on their skin color, religion, or sexual identity is going to help them improve in core academic subjects, but perhaps that’s not the point of the program in the first place.

Deep Equity is an expensive package. In Arizona alone, the Chandler Unified School District shelled out a whopping $420,000 to provide its teachers with the program. Corwin, the company that is offering the Deep Equity training program across the United States, is undoubtedly raking in millions of dollars at the expense of innocent schoolchildren and unknowing parents.

Social justice warfare is bad enough at progressive universities where dissent is not tolerated and students and faculty members alike risk harassment for holding to politically incorrect points of view. Extending this madness to the nation’s primary schools should be unconscionable.

Young children in school need to learn academic basics such as reading, writing, math, science, spelling, and grammar. They also need to learn basic principles of success such as hard work, self-discipline, and perseverance. Unfortunately, leftist educational organizations and their acolytes don’t share this interest.

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