What We Learned from James O’Keefe’s LEAKED CNN Recordings

Ben Shapiro recently interviewed James O’Keefe of Project Veritas about his recent leaks of CNN editorial meeting recordings as part of a two-month undercover operation and the promise of his organization to leak more recordings in the future.

It should be noted that CNN is threatening legal action, even arrest, over the recordings. O’Keefe believes nothing will come over the legal action and that it is a result of CNN Worldwide’s President, Jeff Zucker, being angry and embarrassed over the entire ordeal. O’Keefe explained that Zucker was taken aback over the fact that he had been recording him for two months and was releasing these recordings to the public day by day.

What was the information that has been leaked so far?

This is what people really want to know after all. One of the first clips released involved Zucker discussing how it was vital that they not “normalize” President Trump by leaning into certain topics and avoiding covering others. Other information discussed included:

  • Accusations that Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist.
  • Jeff Zucker as CEO telling reporters what they can and cannot cover.
  • Zucker’s attacks against Rudy Giuliani.
  • Zucker refusing to “go down the rabbit hole of Hunter Biden.”

New clips are dropping daily on the Project Veritas website according to O’Keefe. During the interview with Shapiro, O’Keefe speculated that Zucker may be on his way out at CNN now that these recordings have been revealed through the Project Veritas expose.

Shapiro also addresses accusations that have been levied against O’Keefe alleging that he is selectively editing the videos and manufacturing a specific narrative by deliberately taking things out of context. In response, O’Keefe challenges his accusers to “name the edit.” That’s why he chooses video as his preferred means of reporting.

James O’Keefe operates on the premise of exposing those who are doing wrong. Especially those who operate by accusing others of doing the things they are actively doing. This exposure, after all, is what they fear the most. He also goes on to discuss how the New York Times accused him of using anonymous sources (something they do frequently).

O’Keefe also discusses the difficulty of going against the “narrative” and what it means for those who do. How people who stand up and speak out against this bias are viciously attacked and it isn’t an easy path – as he has been. He goes on to say that it is not fun, but he believes it is a worthwhile cause.

Watch the full conversation below.

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30 thoughts on “What We Learned from James O’Keefe’s LEAKED CNN Recordings”

  1. Jeff Zucker,

    You need to be in jail! Your a trader. Your a liar. Your a greedy unconstitutional individual. You are corrupt. You deserve what is coming to you!

    People will not put up with your crap! You will all be exposed for your crimminal Net Work, lies to the American People, and Big Tech scams! Reform section 230! Must be exposed for Phycological Warfare!

    1. Amen, Michelle!!! Zucker needs to be put behind bars!! There better be consequences that the fake news networks and Big Tech will have to face for this!! They have been lying and manipulating the American people for years!! They are communists controlled by China and the Democ”RATS”!!

    2. STOP WATCHING FAKE NEWS (Thank Trump for calling it out, FAKE) Watch NEWSMAX IF YOU WANT HONEST, unbiased true news! Your country is under attack by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and all the rest! Protest by not watching these fakes!


      2. I’m just an old tired broken down country boy Who’s just trying to live out the end of his life. The folks I can’t do anything like a sad him pretty well broken down 100% disable but my mouth and my brain still works well. So here’s my thoughts in the country we have problems with rabies outta control wild animals you know skunks raccoons and Shit Eating dog you know the ones like Zuckerberg all deserve 240 grains of valuable metal to the back of the head This is how We country boys take care of wild Out of control critters And we should use this technique on the ABC NBC cbse’s and of course CNN but If we really want to take care of those critters the easiest way to do that is to turn off the TV turn off the Internet news feed turn off Every company their associated with breaking up they can’t make money theyll go out of business they can’t get any worse than they already are there useless the Communist fascist jackasses Who do not need to be in the world of free men and women if they want to practice their trade they can go to North Korea Communist China And let’s not forget their buddies over in Russia now hear the real sad story that they don’t know anything about These jackasses are only useful idiots to those Communist countries entertainer the truth vedo want their shit in their country either but there happy to use these fools in America to hurt us the patriots the true Americans .what Is truly amazing Izzy’s full think when they finally get their wish and destroy America fair gonna be on top of the heat they don’t realise that their masters will take them out to that’s how ignorance these people really are they only see today and they don’t see whats Tomorrow is going to bring their own destruction

    3. Get Rid of this SOB Zucker, a racist, a marxist, communist, hating big lefty. Fire him now!
      CNN If you have one monicome of truth left in you AT &T do the right thing & fire this A-hole now!

    4. CNN has to be shut down for good.. People there are not journalists they are political operators.. Liars and scum bags!

  2. The biggest problem with CNN is that they call themselves a news network but they are not even close to that. I wouldn’t have a problem if they’d just be honest and call themselves what they really are. They are leftwing commentary interrupted with an occasional bit of news but with a left wing slant. As long as CNN calls themselves a “news network” they will always be known as fake news.

    1. Haven’t watched that network or MSNBC in at least 4yrs. They are a joke. And now Fox. I started watching OANN and read about my news.

  3. James O’Keefe should be an American household name as much as are other great reporters (sadly some of whom have turned out to be not so great nor so brave), His work is amazing and is done at great risk.

    1. cable news networks no longer a news source….Focused on their biased political gossip based on secondary knowledge…

  4. It is sad some people believe every word that comes out of the fake news networks they seem to be brain washed and will not listen to reason if they knew the truth about the Biden’s they would not have voted for Joe

  5. Zucher has destroyed CNN, at one time CNN was the station to watch, not anymore, the personnel are ignorant lying morons, who have helped shatter America’s standing in the world. Zucher should be fired immediately . One more thing the so called reporters at CNN have the class and manners of a louse

  6. CNN – “The most BUSTED name in news…!” And no, they aren’t really news journalists; they are the PR firm for the DemonKKKrat party and the CCP.

  7. Zucker and his robot staff should be fired and never again be allowed to fill a positin in any form of reporting news. All trust and respect has been lost to the fake news media….it extends to other forms too. TV, newspapers, radiio facebook, tweeter. It iwill take a long time, if ever, that trust and respect is regained. What a shame .

  8. Take a page from the “socialists “ playbook:
    While holding your nose, watch the propaganda networks. Make a list of sponsors. Message sponsors …you, your family, friends & associates ,will be boycotting their products so long as they are advertising on the phony news station.

  9. It is really sad when you know our”news” is a bunch of lies with no reporting re what Obama did and spent on trips for Michell and friends at our expense, Benghazi, lies by Clinton, Obama and yes Biden (did we hear about any of that during the election?) you know the answer. STOP watching this nonsense. Demand reporting not personal
    opinion –a wolf in sheeps clothing. We can defeat this political bias by not watching, writing the sponsors etc.
    Undermine their effect by constant complaints and rejection.M Mouse

  10. I could tell you what a horrible human being Jeff Zucker is, he worked for my dad when he was an executive at NBC News Division. He’s a parasite, unethical, undisciplined and took control over the Today show when my dad retired and took the number 1 morning show, who was the number one show for DECADES and came so close to turning it into third place, under Jeff Zucker’s control. Now, Zucker knew all about Matt Lauer’s sexual harassment of the female staffers, (they even caught Lauer on camera lurking and leering), not only by female staff but also female guest during one of the commercial breaks. Zucker did absolutely nothing to stop it, because Zucker and Matt were best buddies, two peas in a pod. Both men made my skin crawl because they were so creepy, entitled and I despised them both, they liberal leaches. Before my dad left, he warned the other executives that Lauer was a sexual harassment lawsuit in the making. After Zucker destroyed the Today show ratings, they moved him to the VP of the NBC news division in New York. Now, he’s single-handily destroying CNN and any thing semblance of news and facts, more like liberal political propaganda.

  11. Cnn is a communist network who hates America. Msnbc is the same. They are hateful and hypocrites. They hate Christians and jews and preach socialist ideas. Zucker is an arrogant rich boy who should be taken down a notch

  12. This is easy. Take him to prison for treason to the American people and the country. Just drop him into the deepest black hole you can find and forget him.

  13. James O’keefe , Ben Shapiro, l trust… cannot think of one person I remotely trust anymore at CNN and all of their ilk! They are aiding, abetting, and giving comfort thru their absolutely dishonest to the core reporting to every enemy of our President and country. If there isn’t a law against this crap there damn well should be!

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