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Beijing May Go Into Similar Lockdown to Shanghai Over 15 Positive Cases

As the world has been watching in horror, as the residents of Shanghai, China are locked in their homes, starved and have become so desperate, they are now jumping to their deaths from their windows – China is in the process of deciding whether to now lockdown Beijing, the nation’s capital.

The proposed lockdown was prompted after it was discovered that 15 people had tested positive for covid-19, using the dodgy PCR tests, and now officials are dropping hints that this may in fact happen.

If they do implement another lockdown, Beijing will follow something similar to Shanghai, where residents are restricted from leaving their homes.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) government-run media outlet South China Morning Post reported that the situation is “urgent and grim” due to these 15 “infections.” 

15 new infections. In a city that currently boasts over 21 million residents. 

The CCP maintains that the only way that this virus could be defeated, is by locking everyone away without food.

According to Beijing Daily, Beijing CCP boss Cai Qi, the mayor Chen Jining and other city leaders are meeting to discuss plans for Beijing to potentially go into lockdown similar to Shanghai.

“The meeting pointed out that our city [Beijing] had suddenly recorded some cases and many transmission chains were involved,” Beijing Daily reported. “The risk of further hidden transmission is high. The situation is urgent and grim.”

Reports indicate that China is increasing testing and expanding its protocol, which will include everyone in Beijing. China currently has a zero-covid policy, so any cases will result in lockdowns if even one case is detected. 

They are still however using PCR tests that are notorious for giving false positive results, so it is hard to say if there even is a threat at all and the cruelty that Chinese citizens are experiencing at the hands of their government, shows that the health and safety of citizens is not really a top priority.

Of course, all the talk of an imposed lockdown, has caused panic buying, as rice, noodles and vegetables barely stay on store shelves and many stores have already been emptied out.

The World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab has already stated that covid will never come to an end and this is an example of it. The world should have moved on already from a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate.

It is ridiculous that the covid theater is continuing and you can almost guarantee that if this is now happening in China, other countries who are still hell-bent on getting ultimate control over their populations – including the United States – will undoubtedly follow suit.

Supply chains are also stretched to the limit, as the war in Ukraine further adds more stress to the situation. There are more than a few indications that a worldwide famine will be upon us at some stage this year if this madness continues. Some are speculating that it is inevitable.

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4 thoughts on “Beijing May Go Into Similar Lockdown to Shanghai Over 15 Positive Cases”

  1. Fauci can try and get lockdown’s but as far as I am concerned he can go to hell. i am not vaxxed and will continue that was as i have more than enough antibodies to defend myself.

  2. I also am not vaxed, but this virus has over a 99.9 percent survival rate, I am 66 with several pre existing conditions, including diabetes and a clotting disorder. I had Covid in April, I was sick and felt terrible. I survived and now have antibodies. I refuse to be vaxed, wear a mask, or let this crazy administration tell me what I can or can not do. God is my Lord and Master, I have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Do not take this so call vaccine. It will change your DNA.

  3. Let the sub human Chicoms die by the millions, they deserve it for releasing this plague on the rest of the world.

  4. Maybe the vile demonic communist pigs of china working in conjunction with the satanic New World Order Godless demons in our American corrupted government will keep inventing new viruses in their laboratory every time they don’t like the way a situation politically turns out for them in our country, especially when the majority of the country are against them, this is why these vile demons need to be hung by the hundreds, for attempted genocide globally & the destruction of America through propaganda & sabotage, these Antichrist new world order communist domestic terrorist need to be executed for war crimes against the American people and the government that is corrupting them doesn’t do something fast to fix the situation we the people will try them in public trials & hearings ourselves, and there will be no leniency for their evil from the fed up true American Patriot majority.

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