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Biden, Dems Turn Their Back On Cuban Refugees Fleeing Real Political Persecution

Starving Cubans took to the streets to protest their tyrannical communist dictator and demand reforms. Government forces opened fire on groups and black-bagged others who violated the island nation’s speech restrictions. Siding with the likes radicalized Democrats such as New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others who support communism, Joe Biden’s handlers refuse to allow Cuban refugees safe haven in America.

With a self-inflicted humanitarian at the U.S.-Mexico border and people dying for freedom in Cuba, Biden’s decision-makers are more concerned communist refugees will vote Republican than they are compassionate enough to save lives. That’s why recent reports indicate Biden’s Department of Homeland Security chief ordered dozens of desperate Cubans deported.

“The time is never right to attempt migration by sea. To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking,” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas stated following the July 11 anti-communist protests. “Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.”

The Biden Administration reverted to the anti-Cuban refugee stance taken by Obama. Before the Democrat — who is best remembered for damaging the health care system — assumed office, the U.S. respected what was known as the “wet foot, dry foot” policy. In simple terms, if a persecuted Cuban reached America’s shore, they could apply and receive political asylum. In 2016, Obama sent more than 5,000 Cubans back to suffer under the Castro regime. By contrast, former President Donald Trump declined to take only 49 because they were deemed unsafe to American communities.

What’s critically different about Cubans fleeing to America and the migrants setting records for illegal border crossings rests on true refugee status. The Cubans who risk their lives on makeshift rafts are genuine political asylum seekers. Migrants from Central America are merely looking to improve their financial situation by pilfering off jobs that American citizens would otherwise hold.

“We are seeing a crush on the southern border that’s a rotating catastrophe. It continues to escalate on a daily basis, and it was all caused by the rhetoric of Biden during the campaign and the actions he took in the first days of his administration,” Florida Senator Marco Rubio said. “They didn’t say what they said to Cubans in those first days.”

Other reports coming out of Cuba indicate that political opponents and protestors are disappearing. Black-bag tactics are common in communist regimes such as the former Soviet Union, Venezuela, China, and Cuba. One report states that more than a dozen teenaged girls were sentenced after being quickly found guilty of “counterrevolutionary” charges for watching a political protest.

With children herded into cages along the U.S.-Mexico border and the Covid Delta variant being spread by illegal incursions in the Southwest, the Biden Administration has made it abundantly clear Democrats are using human beings as political pawns. The conventional thinking is progressives have a better shot at staying in power by converting Central American migrants to their cause. The facts are that Cuban-Americans vote Republican by a 58-to-38 percent margin. That’s why they are being sent back to almost certain incarceration and death at the hands of the Castro regime.

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6 thoughts on “Biden, Dems Turn Their Back On Cuban Refugees Fleeing Real Political Persecution”

  1. Commie Joe Bidet and the Marxist demotrash party support the communist
    regime in Cuba and do not want Cubans seeking asylum and freedom letting
    people know what life under a communist regime like what Commie Joe is pushing for will be like .

  2. The Democrat, pissing off the American Cuban? Bad Move!! The vote will go from 39% to 0%. As a Goldwater Republican, I say Thank You! Without Voter Fraud The DemocRAT is Toast with a crust of blackburn on it!

  3. Why would this administration allow Cuban’s ENTRY?
    WHAT THEY ARE RUNNING AWAY FROM, IS WHAT THIS ADMINISTRATION IS PUSHING…communism/socialist/and forced submission. Joe is the puppet likened to his beloved ex president, whom he made very rich..who allowed Joe to FLY FREE 92 time with the hunter of crooked deals. his son…AMERICA HAS SEEN HER BEST YEARS….and now satanism has taken over, hope he does not also, have conversations with the dead.. As Hillary did, SHE WAS bragging about talking to MRS E. ROOSEVELT, for hours. WHICH IS DEMONIC..NECROMANCY…BLACK MAGIC. IT’S NO WONDER OUR BEAUTIFUL 1ST LADY MRS TRUMP, would not move in until she had forty ministers go in and pray over the white house…as we should be praying over our nation…the democrats hated that MRS TRUMP opened up with the LORDS PRAYER, The demons around the W/H make no mistake..satan wants AMERICA AND ISRAEL DESTROYED.. Why ? because these two nations ACKNOWLEDGE GOD, we all know that leaders have turned away from Godly principles, and away from the faith, by pushing anti God laws and agendas.

  4. Bidens and his little cronies have turned there backs on Americans ! So what has democrates done for America absolutely nothing say it again ! The squad is the true racist ones along with others democratic demons in Congress and Senate . There rich , and your not . You suffer and they don’t . And you pay them to be this stupid and destroy our freedoms our economy our country by division .

  5. Democrats are HYPOCRITES are people just figuring this out? Look at how Obama put an embargo on Haitian’s who were coming across the seas – AFTER they started complaining about the $2,000,000,000 – 2 BILLION DOLLARS – That the Clintons stole from the 2010 Haitian Earthquake Relief Fund. What is interesting this weekend is that Ed Buck was sentenced – to what is most liklely a life sentence for him. He was a Clinton – Waters – Schiff – Democrat Mega-Donor. He now has time to reflect on how he got where he is. I wonder how long it will take before he starts getting pissed off because he is prison and ALL of his friends who “partied” with him are not? I’d bet the farm that they will not be going to the prison to visit him either – they will keep as far away from his as possible. It really sucks when you learn that the people you held in such high esteem care so little about you. Will he get revenge or an “Epstein” cell?

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