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Fake News Media Attacks ‘Anti-Greta’ Climate Skeptic Activist

When conservative people apply reason and logic to challenge the liberal extremist ideology, the fake news media is quick to slander. That’s largely because the end-of-world climate cult suffers serious credibility issues. As 19-year-old German “climate realist” Naomi Seibt speaks out on the ridiculous alarmism that passes for science, the fake news media has already begun assailing her character.

The activist is being hailed as the “anti-Greta” Thunberg, referencing the Swedish teen who recently spoke at the U.N. and has been patronized by world leaders due to her media darling status. For Seibt, on the other hand, the biased media appears willing to smear her as severely as they do President Donald Trump to stifle her voice.

Seibt reportedly says that her intention is neither to act as an antidote to Greta, or position herself as a so-called “climate denier” — a term the fake news media uses to shame intelligent disagreement. She acknowledges that “man-made climate change” is real, but the effects of human activity have been grossly exaggerated.

“Today climate change science really is not science at all,” Seibt said. “The goal (of climate scientists) is to shame humanity. Climate change alarmism at its very core is a despicably anti-human ideology, and we are told to look down at our achievements with guilt, with shame and disgust, and not even to take into account the many major benefits we have achieved by using fossil fuels as our main energy source. Climate alarmists should be a little more humble.”

Last year, 500 European scientists petitioned the U.N. that there is “No Climate Emergency.” They state the extreme policies being taken by claiming a crisis exists are doing significant damage to the planet and impoverished humans. The U.N. ignored their science-based petition in favor of hand-holding Greta. But given that Seibt has been dubbed the anti-Greta, the left-wing media can no longer just ignore her the way they did the 500 scientists. After she spoke at the recent 2020 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the fake news playbook went into effect.

The fake news media put almost zero focus on the substance of what she had to say at CPAC. Instead, they opted to exaggerate a single compliment made about Canadian conservative vlogger Stefan Molyneux, and spin that into a white nationalist tirade.

“I am still a fan of Molyneux’s, absolutely,” she said after being asked by a fake news outlet. “He’s not comparing other races, not at all. He is just describing his experience in Western countries, and I know that to the extent, for example, if I was in a country where Sharia was present, I know that I would not be able to speak as freely as in Western countries. We still have freedom of speech, and I’m very happy that’s the case.”

Fake news outlets pushed online headlines that included, “Anti-Greta’ Activist Naomi Seibt Praises White Nationalist At CPAC,” and “Naomi Seibt: ‘anti-Greta’ activist called white nationalist an inspiration,” among other phony reports. The fact of the matter is that the fake news media is terrified that young people are keenly aware that these end-of-days climate prophesies are either a hoax or hugely overblown. We can expect more targeting that has nothing to do with Seibt’s actual positions on the issue.

Watch one of Seibt’s latest uploads below:

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