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Susan Rice Blames George Floyd Protests on Russia

Former Obama-era national security advisor Susan Rice has a pretty stunning hot take on the demonstrations sweeping the country protesting the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Rice recently appeared on CNN to blame the recent protests squarely on the Russians. The Obama-era staffer told Wolf Blitzer in no uncertain terms that the riots are “right out of the Russian playbook,” and accused Russia of using social media to divide the country by instigating nationwide riots and even funding some of the violent protestors.

Not surprisingly, Blitzer agreed with the former advisor without even thinking to ask if she had any evidence to back up her claims.

Even a cursory look at the accusation makes it apparent that either Rice has totally lost her mind, or she is willing to do and say anything to tear down the current president. Granted, the George Floyd murder was simply the catalyst to get the riots started, and the riots and protests aren’t just about his death. Many are protesting what they feel is a callous disregard for black lives in police custody. Others simply want to overturn the whole system and implement a new, far-left, fairy-tale utopia. Still, others are anarchists who enjoy looting, beating people up, and setting fire to local communities.

The fact that many people have lost their livelihood due to the COVID-19 shutdown has placed an enormous strain on communities that already feel marginalized. But the attempt to link the social unrest to Democrat conspiracy theories shows that political opportunists were ready to twist this issue from the very beginning.

The Russian government is guilty of a lot of things — this isn’t one of them. Far-left liberals still can’t get over the fact that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, and that “Russiagate” turned out to be a giant nothing-burger. To this end, they are more than happy to continually push the “blame the Russians” narrative every time something goes wrong.

It’s hard to imagine a former U.S. government official blaming local riots on a foreign nation. However, what’s even more despicable is the fact that leading journalists don’t even think to question such assertations and ask for evidence. Mainstream news media outlets took sides long ago, and are now helping Democrats push whatever narrative they want.

Featured Image by New America

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